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About PS5 Studios


Welcome to PS5 Studios! This site is my fan-made project that aims to provide a comprehensive overview of all the first-party developers part of PlayStation Studios during the PS5 generation.

Why PS5 Studios Exists

The video game industry has changed significantly since the PS4 era - more so than any industry analyst anticipated. Ballooning game budgets, a record high number of layoffs and the increase in live service games are just a few examples.

The PlayStation Studios umbrella has also changed significantly. Sony has acquired 10 new studios, rebranded others, and even closed a few.

Consequently, it's hard to keep track of all the changes and to know what each studio is working on. But it's something worth doing because their first-party games are considered by many to be the peak of what the PS4 gen had to offer.

I therefore felt was a necessary platform to see if this prestige has been maintained, to separate fact from fiction, and sprinkle in my own analysis and predictions too.

Developers Section

This section is the focal point of the site. Each page provides a brief history of a PlayStation developer, analyzes the games they've already released on the PS5 (if any at all), and whether or not they hold a unique position under the PlayStation Studios umbrella.

One fact you might find particularly interesting is the number of days between each release by that developer. This is just one unique way I separate fact from fiction.

For example, has increasing budgets and more complicated development pipelines affected the number of games released by that studio? Or are other factors primarily at play? This is something I explore - coming to different conclusions depending on the developer.

I also provide my own analysis and predictions on what you can expect from each studio for the remainder of the PS5 gen. Like predicting what their next game is and its release window.

PS5 Games Section

This section provides a list of every released and upcoming PS5 game from PlayStation Studios (so no PC ports). You'll see the game's developer, genre, release date, and Metacritic score.

You're also able to sort the games by Metacritic score or by release date to analyze the information from various different angles.

Stats Section

My favorite section of the site! This is where the analysis goes many layers deep to provide a number of stats for each first-party dev and the PlayStation Studios umbrella as a whole.

These stats range from basic ones like a bullet-point list detailing how many PS5 games each developer has released, to more complex ones like which developer's PS5 games results in the highest average Metacritic score.

I also include some more subjective stats predicting the future of PlayStation Studios. For example, which five developers are most and least likely to be closed by Sony.

Have any suggestions for other stats you'd like to see? Please email me at!

GitHub Link

If you enjoyed the site, I would greatly appreciate if you starred the linked repository in the header. Or you can click here to go directly to the GitHub page. Thank you!