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Fabrik Games


Founded in 2014, this Manchester-based developer has shipped games like 2016's 'Filthy Lucre' for the PS4 and 2017's 'The Lost Bear' for PSVR.

You almost certainly haven't heard of these niche games and that's no problem. You won't need to because Fabrik was acquired by Firesprite in 2021 to bolster the latter's manpower. As Firesprite were purchased by Sony only a few weeks prior, Fabrik became a de-facto first-party studio.

This indirect way Fabrik joined PS Studios is very unique, but not particularly surprising. Both Firesprite and Fabrik were founded by the same individual. Fabrik had also already acted as support for Firesprite during the development of their VR title 'The Persistence', in 2018.

My Analysis & Predictions

As Fabrik are only a support studio to Firesprite, they've not released a PS5 game. Nor should you expect them to barring unforeseen circumstances.

We'll indirectly here from them whenever Firesprite announce their next game, which should (hopefully) be soon.

The Persistence