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Sucker Punch Productions


Sucker Punch are a Washington-based developer that was founded in 1997, initially to work on an N64 game called Rocket: Robot on Wheels.

Sony were impressed, so they funded SP's Sly Cooper trilogy for the PS2 and inFamous 1/2 on the PS3. After five great games under this partnership, Sony acquired the studio in 2011.

SP have since moved on from inFamous to Ghost of Tsushima. A third-person samurai action-adventure that quickly became the studio's best selling game.

GoT initially released on PS4 in 2020, followed by a PS5 Director's Cut in 2021 that added around 10 more hours of gameplay via a new island to explore. It's currently SP's only PS5 game.

My Analysis & Predictions

It's been nearly four years since SP achieved new highs, both commercially and critically, with GoT. It's therefore not surprising that a proper sequel is heavily rumoured to be their next game.

Considering this, I predict that not only is GoT 2 the next game ANY PS developer announces, but it will also release very shortly after to new highs for Sucker Punch, critically and commercially.

Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut main menu screen

PS5 Games

Ghost of Tsushima DC

Genre: Action-Adventure

Release Date: August 20, 2021

Days Since Their Last Game: 400

Metacritic Score: 87